Sybille Neumeyer
In her long-term research project Weathering Garden Sybille Neumeyer examines questions of climates from more-than-human perspectives. It builds on the conceptions of habitability of weather worlds, and centers around modes of –as the artist calls it– "grounding meteorology". In dialogue with various experts her research centers around questions like: “How can we reframe observation as care?” and “What sensorial foundations are necessary to address today's systemic failures?”, “Which temporalities are evoked by observation measures?”. While the artist is reflecting on the teleconnections between meteorology, climate modeling, technologies, media and politics she juxtaposes measure-mentalities of forecasting with an attempt of "biocultural hindcasting". The project encompasses a curatorial project as well as video essayistic investigations into non-linear, polyphonic narration, accompanied by an almanac which examines agencies within and narratives of global climates and local weather.
Sybille Neumeyer is an interdependent artist, researcher and curator with focus on environmental issues and ecological relationships. Her work is based on post-disciplinary research and collaboration. Through non-linear and polyphonic (hi)storytelling, installations, walks, performative lectures, and video essays, she examines terrestrial communities, planetary metabolisms and more-than-human atmospheres while searching for transformative narratives, modes of rooting and collective action for social, ecological and multispecies justice. Neumeyer’s works and projects have been screened and exhibited at LABoral Gijon, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Charité Berlin, Art Laboratory Berlin, HAU & Technisches Museum Berlin, Onassis Stegi, EXiS Film Festival Seoul, Kunsthaus Dresden, ZKM Karlsruhe, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, DESY Hamburg, and many others. As a cultural worker she participates in, as well as hosts and organizes participatory formats of collective (un)learning, such as walks, workshops and reading groups. Sybille Neumeyer research was supported and hosted by cultural and scientific institutions such as the department "Humanities of Nature" at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, the RIFS - Research Institute for Sustainability (formerly IASS) in Potsdam, Jan van Eyck Akademie, Schloss Solitude amongst others. In 2014 she was awarded the International Aesthetica Art Prize. Currently, she is a postgraduate fellow at the Berlin Centre for Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences at the Berlin University of the Arts.