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Play:test. Versuche über die Kunst des Experimentierens

Berlin 2013, ISBN: 978-3-86-895282-7

Playtesting is a practice that plays with the ignorance of the outcome of the experiment by provoking the unexpected. Precondition is the involvement of engaged team-mates who are game for the ideas of the others. This attitude labels the activities and promoted projects at the Graduate School for the Arts and Sciences at Berlin University for the Arts. Its polyphony proofs the specialties of the distinct languages of music, visual arts, film, literature, or dance that encounter here. What kinds of modes of cognition are produced with poetic research, intuitive insight, counterknowledge, levels of in between and aesthetical experiments? Debated are possibilities of collective thinking and working at the borders of disciplines and also questions regarding localisation in the current discussions on the interface of arts and sciences.

The book can be ordered here.