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The Interrupted

Friday, 6.7.2018

In English


this sound is an invisible matter / breaking in and letting loose / an intruder, this sound / it cuts, it mixes / the beating heart, the melody, the incomplete / it is restless, this sound / from me to you to this and to what is behind and farther / it is already more, this sound / a vibration, the noise / between, intersect / this sound that is more than human / woven in and through, to tremble us / this sound, like all sounds, an intensity / assemblage – this movement / with what is close, and the different, another / and another / from the roar of the world to the compassion / the hearing and the being heard / with the difference that I am always already / dirty / and which makes it possible to speak, to say: I am here for you


Brandon LaBelle is an artist, writer and theorist working with sound culture, voice, and questions of agency. He develops and presents artistic projects and performances within a range of international contexts, often working collaboratively and in public. Recent works include The Ungovernable, Documenta 14, Athens (2017), The Night Birds (take back the city), La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, Barcelona (2017), and The Living School, South London Gallery (2016). He is the author of Sonic Agency (2018), Lexicon of the Mouth (2014), Diary of an Imaginary Egyptian (2012), Acoustic Territories (2010), and Background Noise (2006; 2015).