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[Translate to English:] Dr. Christina Deloglu-Kahlert


Dr. Christina Deloglu-Kahlert studied theater studies, philosophy and French literature at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and Northwestern University in Chicago.

From 2000–2008, she worked as an assistant director and freelance director and, from 2007–2010, as part of the steering committee for the house of literature “Lettrétage” in Berlin. After working for two years as a research associate in the Collaborative Research Center 447 “Cultures of Performativity” (in the partial project “The Scene of the Virtuoso”), from 2010–2015 she was a fellow and associated member of the international Research Training Group “InterArt/Interart Studies” at the Freie Universität Berlin and recipient of a doctoral scholarship from the Catholic Episcopal Foundation Cusanuswerk. In 2016, she completed a PhD on the topic of Klein Technique™:Repattering and Self-Competence.On the Integration of Dance(Pedagogical) Education at the Institute for Theater Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin.

In addition to her work as a research coordinator for the DFG Graduate Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts”, Dr. Christina Deloglu-Kahlert has also served as coordinator of the academic advisory board of the Berlin University of the Arts since July 2016, where her responsibilities include, among other things, developing support for young researchers at the UdK.