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Dr. Grit Köppen


Grit Köppen majored in theater studies at the Freie Universität Berlin in addition to studies in cultural studies and African studies at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She also studied Theatre Arts at Addis Ababa University and international relations and postcolonial art history at the Korea University. 

As a junior fellow at the DFG-funded Bayreuth International Graduate School of Africa Studies, she completed a dissertation on cooperative projects in theater and dance in the context of international cultural politics. At that time, she was also a fellow of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the representative within the foundation for the interests of PhD students.  

At the end of 2017, Grit Köppen published the monograph Performative Künste in Äthiopien: Internationale Kulturbeziehungen und postkoloniale Artikulationen (Performative arts in Ethiopia: international cultural relations and postcolonial articulations) with transcript Verlag.

Grit Köppen is currently conducting research on decolonial aesthetics in contemporary drama and theater. In this context, she is investigating decolonial artistic strategies in the works of Dieudonné Niangouna, Marie N´Diaye, Kettly Noël, Boyzie Cekwana, Léonora Miano, Aristide Tanagda, Julien Mabiala Bissila, Hakim Bah, and Serge Coulibaly, among others.