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Jayrôme Robinet

Jayrôme C. Robinet was selected for the one-year stipend by the Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa

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Dissertation Project

Performance Poetry as Empowerment - Self_empowerment through performance poetry in queerfeminist contexts in relation to liveness, technicity and mediality

This dissertation project aims to examine the function of the phenomena of liveness, technicity and mediality in performance poetry in queerfeminist contexts. The following two questions will be investigated: How are norms, processes of standardization and normalization reflected upon and broken up in performance poetry? What influence does the stage as an aesthetic heterotopy have on the empowerment of subjects and on the generation of knowledge? The aim is to focus on strategies of orality and corporality as central media procedures of performance poetry. 

It is the aim of this project, firstly, to develop methods for the analysis of the empowering dimensions of liveness, technicity and mediality, i.e. phenomena of physical co-presence, corporality, orality and literality as well as technical mediation. Secondly, to show how performance poetry creates empowerment opportunities for people who position themself along the queerfeminist spectrum. The transdisciplinary results of this dissertation can be deduced for any analysis of knowledge generation in the field of performance poetry beyond queerfeminist contexts.  


Please note that these listings appear in the language they were originally published.

Mein Weg von einer weißen Frau zu einem jungen Mann mit Migrationshintergrund, Berlin 2019.

„Diversität und Sprache", in: Bundesleitung der Naturfreundejugend Deutschlands (Hrsg.): Vielfalt statt Einfalt, Berlin 2017, S. 94–108.

„Poetry Slam-Workshop für LSB/T*I*", in: Alers, Kirsten (Hrsg.): Schreiben wir! Eine Schreibgruppenpädagogik, Baltmannsweiler 2016, S. 133–137.

Wie eine Rose, die aus dem Riss im Beton erwächst –Empowerment von LSBT*I* Geflüchteten durch Beratung und Unterstützung, Eine Handreichung für Beratungsstellen, Berlin 2016.

Das Licht ist weder gerecht noch ungerecht, Lyrik- und Prosaband, inkl. CD, Berlin 2015.

Faut-il croire les mimes sur parole? Erzählband, La Laune 2007.

„Prends ces mains, Aujourd’hui und Grains de riz", in: Félix Jousserand (Hrsg.): Blah! Une anthologie du Slam, Paris 2007, S. 105–115.

Vous avez le droit d’être de mauvaise humeur, mais prévenez les autres! Erzählband, La Laune 2005.



2018–2019 creative writing, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin.

Winter semester 2015 / 2016 Building bridges between creative and academic writing, University Constance.

2016-2017 Gender-sensitive Writing, Protestant University Darmstadt.


Jayrôme C. Robinet received his diploma in translation for the languages German and Spanish from the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation in Mons, Belgium. In 2016 he received his Master of Arts degree in Biographical and Creative Writing, from Alice Salomon University in Berlin. Numerous scholarships, including Writer in Residence at the Villa Decius in Krakow (2012). His first play has been shown at Studio R/ Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin (2015). He teaches Creative Writing and is PhD student as part of the Research Training Group „Knowledge in the Arts” of the Berlin University of the Arts. His dissertation project examines the potential of empowerment of performance poetry in queer feminist contexts. In 2019 he published his autofictional memoir by Hanser Berlin.