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Gewaltsames Wissen (Violent knowledge)

Barbara Gronau, Sebastian Köthe, Adam Czirak, eds., Gewaltsames Wissen. 

Book series published by the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts” volume 4. 
Fink: Paderborn 2021

Volume four of the book series published by the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts” with Wilhelm Fink Verlag. The series is edited by Barbara Gronau and Kathrin Peters, and the books are designed by Jenny Baese.

With contributions from Kathrin Busch, Jürgen Brokoff, Rosemarie Brucher, John von Düffel, Reinhold Görling, Sandra Umathum, and others.

Both the constitution and destitution of subjects depends upon the structuring force of scenes. Which scenographic elements participate in the formation and destabilization, or even the annihilation of the subject? What kind of knowledge is produced therein?

Following an interdisciplinary approach, this volume outlines the relationship of perception and knowledge, politics and public scenes by examining the tribunal, torture, and artistic practices of self-injury. Just as tribunals operate at the intersection of the performance of the law and the theater, the injury of the subject in torture is part of a structure of secrecy, revelation, and complicity. Experimentally tested and scenically performed desubjectification in artistic practices show cultural and social restrictions as well as ideas about the subject and its limits.

Further information about the book can be found here.


source: Gestaltung: Jenny Baese