For more detailed information, please change to the German version of this website.

Barrier-free Studies

Representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses

Contact person for prospective students and students is Christian Schmidts . He will advise you on any questions you may have concerning your application, the application for a disadvantage compensation, the execution of your studies and the upcoming examinations.

Individual Assistance

Students at Berlin's universities can apply for integration assistance from the Studierendenwerk in accordance with Section 9 (2) of the Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG). The Studierendenwerk Berlin also offers advice on suitable funding options and help in filling out applications: Advice on Barrier-Free Studying:
E-Mail: bbs.hardenbergstr_

Link zum Service der Universitätsbibliothek der UdK Berlin / TU Berlin:


Christian Schmidts

Tel: +49 (0) 1525 3088865


personal office hours by appointment

Deputy: N.N.