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source: Careture
source: Careture

Founder:  Youjung Kim und Vi Nghiem Tuong

Mentor:  Prof. Valeska Schmidt-Thomsen

funded by: Creative Prototyping - the Berlin startup scholarship at the UdK Berlin

Our project would like to identify the lack of men’s representation in the predominantly female oriented childcare industry. Taking the equality of gender roles into consideration and how diverse family types could be, we would like to explore a father experience of the new generation.  

By proposing a lifestyle where father and baby spend more time together, men will be no longer marginalised in the parenting culture and will be given a variety of options. As a result of the more inclusive Care-culture, women can go back to work and family dynamics will we be more sustainably balanced. 

Our first product will be "Herren Tragejacke", a baby friendly Menswear coat especially for those who own a baby carrier. It can be worn with or without baby, no further adjustments needed. We want to solve the problem of the continuity of these childcare products that have lost their ultimate purpose, by expressing them as a stylish fashion genre. Through combined emotional values with our technological patterns we want to achieve an aesthetic function.