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Offers of the student welfare organization "StudierendenWERK BERLIN"

Veranstaltungen für Kunst- und Kreativstudierende

The StudierendenWERK Berlin offers the following events in August:

Creative LAB: Selbständigkeit für Kreative / 01.08.2024
Creative LAB: Self-employment for creatives

Many creative students will work as freelancers in the future. In this interactive lecture, we comprehensively cover all relevant topics: from registering with the tax office and ongoing business management to taxes and tax returns. Dry material is presented in a lively and easy-to-understand way.

Language: German.

Creative LAB: Künstlersozialkasse und Co. / 02.08.2024
Creative LAB: Artists' social security fund and co.

Here, students learn what the artists' social security fund is, how they can become a member, what their pension provision can look like and how they can insure themselves against occupational disability. We also take the time to answer participants' individual questions.

Languge: German. Questions in English are more than welcome.

writing counselling service of the studierendenWERK Berlin

The writing counselling service of the studierendenWERK Berlin helps and advises with all questions and problems related to academic writing. Various formats are offered, from individual consultations to text feedback and various group offers.

In September, there will again be a workshop offer.

You can find more information here.