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Artur-Schnabel-Wettbewerb (Stiftung der UdK Berlin)

Foundet in 1986 with the aim of supporting highly talented piano students in need and to establish the Artur Schnabel Competition (awarding scholarships or prizes in competitions).


- To support highly talented piano students in need.


- Prizes in competitions, prize-winners' concerts

- Scholarships for limited periods of time, subsidies for travel expenses and participation fees for competitions and concerts outside of Berlin

- Grants for piano purchases


- Prerequisite: application according to the form, proof of qualification by means of an expert opinion issued by a specialist teacher.

- Announcement of the Artur Schnabel Competition by the Faculty of Music:

Piano students of the Faculty of Music of the UdK Berlin and the HfM "Hanns Eisler" whose main subject teachers agree to their participation in the competition are eligible to participate in the competition. The prizes will be awarded by a jury formed by the Faculty of Music and the HfM. All prize winners are obliged to participate in the prize winners' concert. The prize money will be determined in coordination with the Central University Administration of the UdK Berlin.


- In the case of competitions, by a jury formed by the Faculty of Music and the HfM; the prize money is determined in coordination with the Central University Administration.