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Prof. Carsten Eckert

source: Carsten Eckert

Carsten Eckert 

Carsten Eckert

Carsten Eckert is one of the most miscellaneous and in-demand recorder players of today.
His constant "wandering" between the so-called historical performance practice and 20th/21st century music offers the recorder player Carsten Eckert a wealth of inspiration for musical activities both inside the country and on the international stage. Carsten Eckert performs as the international stage musician and the organizer of various music festivals as well as a lecturer at such educational institutions as Bern University of Arts, Trossingen State University of Music.

From 2012 Carsten Eckert is professor for recorder at Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts.

After studying in Berlin University of Arts and Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Carsten Eckert being the laureate of several competitions such as the Competition of the German Conservatories of Music (Berlin) and the Concours Nicati, Competition for Contemporary Music (Berne, Switzerland) has started his concert activity in Europe, Asia, North and South America, performing with his own ensemble THE THEATRE OF THE EARS, as well as with such prominent collectives as the Swiss Baroque Soloists, Il pomo d’oro, Il Complesso Barocco, Ensemble Oriol, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, the Berlin Philharmonic, the Camerata Bern, the Bach Consort Ensemble (Moscow), the Chamber Soloists (Kiev) and others at numerous festivals of early and contemporary music.

Lately the musician has been frequently invited for concert tours in China, South Korea and Russia.

During his artistic career, Carsten Eckert collaborated with Pieter Wispelwey, Malcolm Bilson, Maria-Cristina Kiehr, Anton Steck, Riccardo Minasi, John Holloway, Andrés Gabetta, Gottfried von der Goltz, Barbara Hannigan, Sebastian Wienand, Alexandra Koreneva, Walter van Hauwe und Kees Boeke and with composers Maurizio Pisati and Richard Rijnvos.

The musician is often invited by different ensembles and orchestras as an artistic director. He has conducted the highly praised by public and press baroque opera “Giulio Cesare in Egitto” by G.F. Handel in Bern, Biel and Zurich (Switzerland) and also the excerpts from J. P. Rameau's opera "Platée". CD productions, numerous television and radio recordings bear evidence of his intensive music activities.

Further information can be found on the Hompage von Carsten Eckert and on his Facebookpage.