Seedfunding Projects 2023
Selection 2022 completed — the following projects were selected:
Chamber Music Topographies (Prof. Dr. Laura Tunbridge & Dr. Dörte Schmidt)
Agriculture(s), survival, living and belonging (Prof. Dr. Nanna Lüth & Prof. Oreet Ashery & Project Collecive Agricultures School c/o Lawine)
Dissenting Knowledges (Dr Kate Keohane, Prof. Daria Martin, Prof. Kathrin Peters, Dr. des Annika Haas, Onyeka Igwe, Harold Offeh, Karina Griffith, Constantin Hartenstein)
More-than-human-perspectives: Natureculture explorations of symbiosis, cohabitation and friction (Prof. Dr. Amanda Power, Prof. Nina Fischer, Prof. Dr. Mathur Nayanika, Lilli Kuschel, Vanina Saracino, Maroan el Sani, Dr. Eiko Soga, Prof. Dr. Fiona Stafford)
More-than-human-perspectives: Natureculture explorations of symbiosis, cohabitation and friction
Prof. Nina Fischer, Lilli Kuschel (UdK Berlin), Prof. Dr. Nayanika Mathur, and Dr. Amanda Power (Oxford) continued and extended their collaboration involving more perspectives thanks to Vanina Saracino, Maroan el Sani, Dr. Eiko Soga and Prof. Dr. Fiona Stafford.
Have a look: Live-Video, Website and report
Dissenting Knowledges
Dr Onyeka Igwe, Dr Kate Keohane (project lead), Prof. Dr Daria Martin, Dr Harold Offeh and Dr Guilia Smith from Oxford; Karina Griffith, Dr. des. Annika Haas, Constantin Hartenstein, Dr. Grit Koeppen and Prof. Dr. Kathrin Peters (project lead) from Berlin.
"Dissenting Knowledges" consists of a multi-day retreat to be held in summer 2023 at Gutshof Sauen, UdK’s conference cottage. Ten academics and artists from the Ruskin School of Art and the Berlin University of the Arts as well as advanced students will participate in the project, which will deepen intersectional perspectives on radical knowledge production and documentation. By sharing contrasting methodologies and sensory approaches to archival production, the group will approach the key research questions:
1. Can academic conceptions of the archive as a material site account for formations of knowledge that are dispersed, embodied or ephemeral?
2. What are the most productive means for disseminating, teaching and documenting intersectional modes of knowledge production (e.g. LGBTQ+, decolonial, feminist approaches)?
3. What can be learned through the sharing of aesthetic-scientific approaches between two art schools in comparable but differing contexts? Through a series of innovative workshops designed by participants. The key outcomes of this transdisciplinary project will be an experimental textual-visual publication (website/zine) in which critical methodologies are shared, as well as reflections upon the learnings and novel approaches developed during the residency.
Report of Dissenting Knowledges (2022/23, Kate Keohane and Kathrin Peters)
Agriculture(s), survival, living and belonging
The research cooperation „Agriculture(s), survival, living, and belonging“ was conducting artistic research on site-specific ecological movements and current visions for agri- and horticultural activism. Oreet Ashery (Ruskin School of Art, Oxford) focussed on the collective Lawine and their location at Neuendorf im Sande. The seminar „groundwork“ led by Nanna Lüth (University of the Arts, Berlin) worked in a more ambulant mode, visiting different selforganized garden projects in Berlin. These working visits were contextualized by talks, film screenings, and art exhibitions.
Common questions were: How do collective forms of agricultural and horticultural activism develop in the countryside and in the city? What interventions do artists undertake in this context? How does gender, as an intersectional practice, come into play?