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Internal order form for representative guest gifts

Important notes on the ordering procedure for representative gifts

In accordance with the principle of economy and efficiency in the use of public funds, the following requirements must be observed when giving gifts to guests and using products from the UdK shop:

1) Guest gifts / products from the UdK shop may not be used for purely internal purposes or for exclusively internal events.

2) Guest gifts for representative occasions will be paid for in a total value of up to 20.00 Euros from the P-M/Marketing budget. From a total value of 20.01 Euro, the costs are to be borne by the respective material or event budgets of the divisions. You will receive a rebooking letter from the Marketing department for processing. Please contact us for this under:

3) The scope of representative guest gifts is to be measured sparingly and not divided into individual orders.

We thank you for your cooperation.

The UdK Shop Team

The money from the rebooking will also be used for repeat orders of the products to enable all interested areas of the UdK Berlin to benefit from the use of the materials and other products throughout the year, thus supporting our external image.

Eine Auswahl repräsentativer Gastgeschenke


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