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Events and Workshops Summer Semester 2024

Dear Members of UdK,

This semester, we are once again offering you the opportunity to participate in workshops and events on topics related to anti-racism and diversity.

These events prioritize university students due to limited space, but are open to all university members. While most spots are for students, we also reserve some places for staff and faculty. Additional spots may open up based on availability. To register for the workshops, email dib_ and indicate whether you're a student or staff.


Workshop: A reflection on privilege and multiple discrimination: recognize, reflect, act!

Date & location:
30. April from 14:00 - 16:30, Bundesallee 1-2, Room 340



Who is invited?:

This workshop is for white-positioned students and staff of UdK.

In this interactive workshop, participants will delve into the complex dynamics of privilege and multiple discrimination. We will explore how these intersecting factors shape our experiences, attitudes, and actions in everyday life. By recognizing our own privileges and understanding the impact of discrimination, we aim to foster empathy, awareness, and actionable change.

Workshop Facilitator: My Democracy - La Red – Vernetzung und Integration e.V. 

Please register by emailing dib_


Webinar "Conflict over the Conflict: A Look at the Israel/Palestine Debate at University" with Prof. Kenneth Stern

Date and Location:

May 7, 5:00 - 6:30 PM, Online

Language: English


We are pleased to invite you to our online webinar with Kenneth Stern. Stern, an American lawyer, author, and director of the Bard Center for the Study of Hate at Bard College, will guide us through the main theme of his 2020 book "The Conflict Over the Conflict: The Israel/Palestine Campus Debate."

In his book, Stern analyzes attempts to censor opinions at universities and their impact on academia. He emphasizes that many students prefer to avoid complex issues rather than confront them. Additionally, Stern will explain the background and significance of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism.

The first chapter of "The Conflict over the Conflict," generously provided by Kenneth Stern for UdK Berlin attendees, can be found here.

The whole book is available in UdK - Ebook Central

The event will take place online. Access details will be sent after registration via dib_


Workshop: Fighting Hate and Racism Online: Basics

Date and Location: May 23, 12:00 - 2:30 PM, Kammersaal / Fasanenstr. 1B

Language: English

Content: IIn this workshop, participants will gain essential knowledge and practical strategies to recognize and deal with hate speech, racism, and discriminatory content in digital spaces. We will explore the impact of hate speech, recognize signs of it, and equip ourselves with any basic-tools to promote a more inclusive and respectful online environment.

Workshop Facilitator: My Democracy - La Red – Vernetzung und Integration e.V. 

Please register by emailing dib_


Panel discussion - Talking about anti-Semitism: Current debates

Date and Location: May 30, 4:00 - 07:00 PM, Grunewaldstr. 2-5, Room 306 - Wheelchair accessible 

Language: German


This panel discussion will examine the various definitions of antisemitism, in particular the differences between the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism (JDA) and the definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). Both academic and political difficulties will be discussed.

Another focus is on analysing current forms of anti-Semitism and the importance of a clear understanding of them. The challenges and effectiveness of current policies and discourses in the fight against anti-Semitism, including the fight against racism and discrimination and the promotion of tolerance and diversity, will also be considered.


Prof. Dr. Elad Lapidot is Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Lille, France. He has taught philosophy and Talmud at numerous universities, including the University of Bern in Switzerland, Humboldt University and the Free University in Berlin. His research is guided by questions about the relationship between knowledge and politics. His publications include: Anti-Anti-Semitism. A Philosophical Critique (Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2021), Hebrew translation with introduction and commentary (with Roi Bar) of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (Tel Aviv: Resling Publishing, 2020), and Heidegger and Jewish Thought. Difficult Others, edited with Micha Brumlik (London/New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018).

Prof. Dr Uffa Jensen is a historian and has been Professor of Antisemitism Research and Deputy Director of the Centre for Antisemitism Research at TU Berlin since 2017. His research focuses on the history of anti-Semitism, German Jews, psychoanalysis, the history of emotions and historical image research. his most important publications include: ""An anti-Semitic double murder. The forgotten history of right-wing terrorism in the Federal Republic of Germany", " How the couch came to Calcutta: A global history of early psychoanalysis" (Berlin 2019), "Zornpolitik" (Berlin 2017), " Feelings against Jews. The Emotional History of Modern Anti-Semitism" (essay together with S. Schüler-Springorum 2013).  

Moderation:  Prof. Dr. Kathrin Peters, Professor of History and Theory of Visual Culture at the UdK Berlin & Alejandra Nieves Camacho, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Officer UdK Berlin.

Please register at


Workshop: Strategies for Dealing with Polarizing Content and Right-Wing Extremism on Social Media: Advanced

Date and Location: June 6, 12:00 - 2:30 PM, Fasanenstr. 1 B, Kammersaal

Language: English


Digital spaces such as social networks are often characterized by aggression and discriminatory prejudices, which manifest in various forms. Discriminatory narratives, hate, and prejudices are increasingly disseminated indirectly. Consequently, it is sometimes challenging to discern what is wrong with certain content and how to effectively counter it. This workshop aims to help participants recognize different forms of online aggression and group-based hostility. Additionally, it provides strategies for better handling these indirect forms of polarizing content and aggressions.

*Participation in the basic workshop is recommended but not mandatory.

Workshop Facilitator: My Democracy - La Red – Vernetzung und Integration e.V. 

Please register by emailing dib_


Workshop: Breaking 500 Years of Antiziganism - Sensitization for Media Images and Discourses.

Date and Location: June 13, 3:00 - 6:00 PM, Bundesallee 1 - 2, Room 341

Language: English


Almost everyone has heard the word "antigypsyism". But how did the persistent prejudices about Roma develop historically through media such as literature, visual arts, music and journalistic reporting? And how do they still shape the German media landscape today? After an introduction to the topic, we will use various practical examples to interactively identify angypsyist patterns in text and images. At the end of the workshop we would also like to talk about the role of art in the community for identity formation and resistance. 

Workshop Facilitator: Amaro Foro e.V. a transcultural organisation of Rom*nja and non-Rom*nja. Together, we are committed to combating antigypsyism and promoting the equal right to participation for the community. Since March 2020, we have been implementing a pilot project to raise awareness of the topic among media professionals. We believe that working on different forms of discrimination should be an integral part of the training of artists, cultural workers and journalists. We look forward to discussing and learning together!

Please register by emailing dib_


Manifestations and mechanisms of anti-Semitism and (non-)remembrance culture

Date and place:

June 24th from 16:00 to 19:00, Grunewaldstr. 2-5, Room 306




In this training course, participants will deal with the history and manifestations of anti-Semitism and the continuities that still have an impact today. The approach of tolerance of contradiction or ambiguity is presented and discussed in a practical way using tried and tested methods on controversial topics such as the “Middle East conflict”/Israel-related anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic imagery. The participants are actively involved and exchange views on pitfalls in public debates, personal approaches and anti-discriminatory prevention approaches.


  • Raising awareness of different facets of anti-Semitism
  • Discussion of tolerance of contradiction as an important concept of political education
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Self-reflexive exercises
  • Interactive processing in small groups
  • Interactive methods for the prevention of anti-Semitism
  • Argumentation training
  • Joint exchange and reflection

Workshop-Facilitators: Kreuzberger Initiative gegen Antisemitismus KIgA e.V. 

Please register at .

Workshop: Politics of Imagination... What if: Let's dare to imagine the (un-)imaginable

Date and Location: June 28th, 3:00 - 6:00 PM, Hardenbergstr. 34, Raum 151.

Language: English

Content: Who has the skills and possibilities to imagine and who doesn't? What dispositions are required to imagine more just and inclusive futures?
And why are these circumstances political? In this workshop, we will deal theoretically and practically with questions of politics of imaginations: Ouassima Laabich will share
practical methods (both known and newly tested) as well as insights from her work within the context of Muslim Futures and Critical Futures Thinking in general. This workshop will be interactive and explorative: feel welcomed to join the worlds of futuring.

Workshop Facilitator: 

Ouassima Laabich is the initiator and project lead of Muslim Futures at Superrr Lab. Muslim Futures combines (critical) futurology, arts, digitalization, and radical imagination to envision more just futures. Ouassima is also a PhD candidate in Political Science at the Freie Universität Berlin and a fellow and visiting researcher at Yale University. She studied Public Policy at the Hertie School Berlin and the American University of Beirut, and Middle Eastern Politics in Marburg and Amman. She has lectured in Nijmegen, Kuala Lumpur, and Cape Town. Her work focuses on empowerment strategies, security discourses, disruptive practices, futures literacy and Critical Muslim Studies.

Please register by emailing


Online Workshop: Argumentation Training: Anti-Racism in Chat Groups (Telegram)

Date and Location: July 4th, 6:00 - 8:30 PM, Online 

Language: English


This workshop focuses on enhancing participants’ ability to engage in effective and respectful discussions within chat groups, specifically addressing anti-racism. As online platforms like Telegram and WhatsApp play a significant role in shaping conversations, understanding how to counter racism and promote inclusivity is crucial.

The workshop will be held online. The participants will be invited to take part in a discussion in a telegram group and to put into practice some strategies for managing online aggression and group-based hostility. Please install the app before the workshop.

Workshop Facilitator: My Democracy - La Red – Vernetzung und Integration e.V. 

The event will take place online. Access details will be sent after registration via dib_


Workshop: Theater of the Oppressed: Pedagogical Approach to Address Racism

Date and Location: July 8, 12:00 - 4:00 PM, Hardenbergstr. 34, Raum 004.

This workshop aims to address the topic of racism using the Theater of the Oppressed. It is designed for education students of all school types who are interested in expanding their practical teaching methods on this topic. In addition, theoretical foundations for a broader understanding of racism from a sensibilized perspective for future teachers will be presented.

Workshop Facilitators: 

Uriara Maciel is a Black feminist activist, cultural producer, and specialist in Theater of the Oppressed. She is a member of the global theater network Madalenas, Colectivo Anastácias, and the theater group Kakalakas.

Jazmin Schab is a feminist and human rights activist, and elementary school teacher with experience in playful learning with students from first to sixth grade.

Pricela Almeida holds a Bachelor's degree in Spanish Philology with Latin American Studies and History for Teaching. She is a former member of the theater group Kakalakas. Together, they created two theater plays addressing themes related to global power structures.

Please register by emailing

Thank you for joining us in our efforts against discrimination, racism, and exclusion, and for promoting peaceful and respectful coexistence in our university!

Please check our website regularly for updates and new workshops.

For questions or comments, please contact: dib_


Visual communication: Michael(a) Daoud.