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Workshop: She She Pop

source: KlangKunstBühne

Waiting list for the workshop Oral history

At the moment the workshop Oral History with She She Pop is fully booked.
There is the possibility to put you on a waiting list.



Course dates: 23rd to 31st of August 2019


In this workshop, She She Pop deals with memory, re-enactment and narration within a collective. The actual creation of a narration is still considered as the activity of an individual genius, and there is no plural for Gedächtnis (memory). How can a collective develop content-related motifs and a narrative structure, based on self-chosen and transparent rules? How does a narration emerge as a polylogue in a group improvising according to those rules? We will work on situational and scenic approaches to “stabilize” a collective narration. We will discuss the potential of organizing and structuring tasks. With the help of given rules the participants will develop their own polyphonic (re)narrations. 

The workshop is open for up to 12 persons.

Course language: German and English
Lecturers: Lisa Lucassen and Ilia Papatheodorou
Mentor: Marion Hirte


You can find information about the lecturers of this workshop here:

She She Pop


You can find the document for your application to KlangKunstBühne 2019 HERE.