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Jana Debrodt

source: Jana Debrodt

Guest Faculty | Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (M.A.)

Contact through office_

TEL +49 30 3185 - 2482

Lietzenburger Straße 45, 10789 Berlin

Jana Debrodt studied art and sculpture at Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin (Diploma, Meisterschülerin) and communication science and electoacoustic composition at the TU Berlin and HFG Karlsruhe. She works with sound between the disciplines with in various media. Through interactive or electromechanical installations, site specific interventions, objects or experimental performances, she explores perception, attention and stance. With the simplicity and aesthetics of DIY electronics Debrodt researches methods of translation and transference of sound. She holds a scholarship of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and the “Goldrausch” female artists project Art IT and is a finalist of PLOPP radio play competition of the Academy of the Arts Berlin.