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16.11.2019 | INFO DAY SoundS

source: SoundS, Susanne Baron


Visit us on our INFO DAY!
November 16, 2019 in Berlin. 
14:30 to 17:30 PM


You have burning questions? Want to know if we are right for you? Or if you are right for us? Want to see our facilities and meet our faculty? Maybe you'd like to get some insights from some of currents students?

In preparation for our next application round between February 1- March 1, 2020 for the class of 2023, we cordially invite you to our INFO DAY 2019 where you can meet our faculty and students, check out our facilities and find answers to your questions about our Master’s program. Afterwards you can experience performances and exhibitions of selected student works!


We are very much looking forward to meeting you!

Please register at ask_


INFO DAY 2019 SoundS

November 16, 2019
14:30 to 17:30 PM

Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Universität der Künste Berlin 

Lietzenburger Straße 45

3. floor
10789 Berlin


18.00 PM 
Concert and Installation by SoundS students  
Lietzenburger Straße 45
1. floor
10789 Berlin

facebook event


Please register for the Open Day at ask_