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Medienhausstammtisch basics adobe illustrator

source: UdK Berlin


The Medienhaus Stammtisch: Get together, exchange ideas, get to know each other. Whether you are a new student or an old hand - everyone is welcome, even if you are not a Visual Communication student.

The upcoming Stammtisch basics adobe illustrator is primarily aimed at new students who are interested in digital illustration. We will go over some basic processes, a few hotkeys, ways of thinking and positions. It will be a casual setting to get to know and tinker with one of the most used programs in vector based illustration.

Where and when?

October 25, 2023

Room 201

Media building on Grunewaldstrasse

From 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Note: A laptop with Adobe Illustrator is not mandatory, but useful - we will work together practically on site with the program.