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Recorder Workshop “antiBlockade” Part 1 – Workshop

With Nikolaj Ronimus and Guido Klemisch

Friday, 31. Mai, 15 - 20 Uhr Recorder Workshop “antiBlockade” Part 1 with Nikolaj Ronimus and Guido Klemisch, Die Holzbläser, Trautenaustraße 24, 10717 Berlin

Samstag, 01. Juni, 10 - 17 Uhr Blockflöten Workshop “antiBlockade” Teil 2 mit Nikolaj Ronimus, Kammersaal, Fasanenstraße 1B, 10623 Berlin

This workshop is aimed at students of the recorder instrument in the Faculty of Music. Participation only after prior registration with Dr. Art. Susanne Fröhlich at


Dr. art. Susanne Fröhlich