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Fifth Future Day - On Tour! – Sonderveranstaltung

© Yui Yamagishi

Contributors wanted!

On the fifth UdK 2030 Future Day on 18th of November 2022, we will go on a tour together. Participating and joining the route is the goal here: wandering from building to building, we will visit the committees, commissions, working groups and initiatives that gather in the facilities of our university spread across the city. 

As an essential part of self-administration, these committees and groups continuously take responsibility for the development of our university's content - across the degree programs, across the faculties and institutes, beyond the university into the city and on to international partnerships. However, what are the people and stories behind the names of the many UdK committees and collaborating working groups, what do they do, what do they stand for, what motivates them? 

For our tour, from one UdK building to the next, we are looking for the working groups and committees at their respective venues where we can gather for an encounter. At the various locations, we will have the opportunity to get to know the content-related orientation, goals, challenges, wishes and thematic fields of the different groups. Even though certain committee groups currently meet primarily virtually, we would try to find an appropriate analogue space for each group to visit at this day. We are looking forward to your participation and talking with you about content and organizational details. 

For creating the connecting routes between the UdK buildings distributed throughout the city, we are looking for artistic projects, concepts and ideas for implementation, including tour guides who will lead and accompany all who participate or welcome them at the various venues. If you could imagine helping to shape this experimental format, you are welcome to get in touch with us as the UdK 2030 organization team.


Organisationsteam UdK 2030