Gareth Okan: Looking up the pros and cons of making relief cuts in the underside of a table top to prevent warpage. – Degree Bachelor/Master
BA Graduate Works 2022
In this piece a wood-working dancer navigates how to fill the gaps where tools or skills fall short. His performance explores how a body can relate to objects precisely designed to carry out specific functions. When some of these objects are not available, what can one do?
Though the research of this work I brought woodwork into the dance studio in an attempt to reconnect to dance through the excitement and joy of a new obsession.
With a drive for improvement and an amateur’s freedom to take the scenic rout whilst making mistakes along the way this work broaches the question:
what does it mean to labor with love?
Gareth Okan is an artist who, up until now, has mostly communicated through dance and the body. Graduating from his first dance education at the New Zealand school of Dance in 2012, Gareth then went on to dance for the New Zealand Dance Company before moving to Berlin in 2015 where he worked as a freelancer. Most recently alongside his studies, he’s been working part time as a woodworker.
Performer/ choreographer: Gareth Okan
With Many thanks to my Contributors: Diego Agulló, Sandra Umathum, Rose-Anabel Beermann, Oliver Connew, Joshua Rutter, Clément Lays, Nádia Da Costa, Liisi Hint, Maria Ladopoulos and many others.
Corina Hofner