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Johanna Jörns: ‚Aus dem Auge, in den Sinn‘ – Tanz

Potsdamer Tanztage

Brushing over, sprucing up, vamping up.
History gone, cracks smoothed out, surfaces plastered over.
What is real, what is fiction?
What place does the individual have in all this?
Two dancers assert themselves in the absurd setting of the Dortustr./Breitestr. intersection and become defiant architects of their reality.
"Out of sight, into mind" tells of alienation and the power of assertion in a poetic and bizarre way and invites the audience to accompany the dancers.

Choreography / Concept:
Johanna Joerns
Dance / Co-creation: Christina Wüstenhagen, Emma Lusena Ash
Sound / Composition: Wiebke Köplin

For more information about the "Potsdamer Tanztage" (Potsdam dance days) click here.
