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Mensch, Maschine! Musik! [en]

Masters for Masters: Simone Rubino – crescendo

Urban Ruths

Percussionists are undoubtedly masters of most instruments in the field of classical music, if only because of their profession. Therefore, this relationship between percussionists and their instruments takes the hand-in-hand of man, machine and music to the extreme, true to the festival motto.

How exactly a lesson with the abundance of possibilities and the widely unknown repertoire of solo pieces of this fascinating branch, you can experience firsthand: In the masterclass with Simone Rubino students of the subject will be instructed and also the professor himself will pick up the instrument again and again - whichever is ready at the moment.


crescendo is open to everyone! Therefore, all concerts are free admission.
Free reservations are possible here.

The UdK Berlin is committed to helping people in need. This year, half of the festival's donations will go to "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" to benefit earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria.


Künstlerisches Betriebsbüro der Fakultät Musik