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Mensch, Maschine! Musik! [en]

output input: Talk-Concert. Algorithms and Social Media - New Challenges and Responsibility for "Classical Music"? – crescendo

Kai Oberhauser

The demands on musicians have changed rapidly in recent years. Supposed trends in social media and an overabundance of communication channels put some musicians under pressure, others are only really getting high with this wave. Responding to all topics and playing music at the highest level at the same time - is that possible?

On the initiative of UdK student Elias Braun and against the backdrop of this change, guests from very different perspectives, such as the composer and conductor Elias Brown, the musicologist and vice president of the UdK Berlin, Prof. Dr. Ariane Jeßulat, musicians from the collective Musica inaudita, the cellist Moritz Huemer and the music critic Dávid Gajdos will discuss how social media and classical music are mutually dependent, what significance self-portrayal has for one's own marketing and what challenges this poses for music education.

Yes, algorithms are changing access to music. But how do musicians react to this - and do they still reach an audience with sophisticated classical music that is consumed in a hurry via smartphone boxes?

With chamber music contributions by Musica inaudita (composers in focus, see also concert on Wednesday, May 24) and other musicians from the UdK Berlin.

Moderation and program: Klemens Elias Braun / Guests: Elias Brown, composer and conductor / Prof. Dr. Ariane Jeßulat, professor for music theory and vice president of the UdK Berlin / Moritz Huemer, cellist / Dávid Gajdos, music critic / Musicians* of the collective Musica inaudita and others.

On this day you can experience the installations of the Sound Studies program in the foyer.

crescendo is open to everyone! Therefore, all concerts are free admission.
Free reservations are possible here.

The UdK Berlin is committed to helping people in need. This year, half of the festival's donations will go to "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" to benefit earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria.


Künstlerisches Betriebsbüro der Fakultät Musik