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Shahram Khosravi: The Gaze of the X-Ray – Vortragsabend

Book Launch in Englisch.

Since its invention in the late nineteenth century, the penetrating gaze of the X-ray has changed our vision of the inside of the human body. After we started to see inside ourselves, the relationship between ourselves and our bodies changed forever. As a progression in medical science, X-ray technology was fashioned to maintain and save life. However, as the contributors to this volume show, it has been a device of ruination as well. They visualise the traces and the pattern of violence, practised by the states, racial capitalism, colonial racism and sexism. By juxtaposing different cases across time and space, this collection demonstrates a set of relations between civilization and ruination.


Shahram Khosravi is professor of Anthropology at Stockholm University. His research interests include the anthropology of Iran, forced displacement, border studies and temporality. Khosravi is the author of several books including Young and Defiant in Tehran (2008); The Illegal Traveler: an auto-ethnography of borders (2010); Precarious Lives: Waiting and Hope in Iran (2017); After Deportation: Ethnographic Perspectives (2017, editor); Waiting. A project in Conversation (2021, editor), and Seeing Like a Smuggler (2022, co-editor). He has been an active writer in the international press. He is a co-founder of Critical Border Studies, a network for scholars, artists and activists to interact.

