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sic! Sound Studies Reader – Veranstaltungsreihe

Kathrin Scheidt

Book Launch / Program

SoundS Reader

Book Launch / Program


Exhibition (5:00 - 7:30)


Jan Thoben: Vertigo Machines

2 channel video installation, 2013 (7’50” loop)


Kathrin Scheidt: Alternative Book Cover Designs for the SoundS Reader




Gilles Aubry: Salam Godzilla

Video, 2019 (40'35")



Volker Straebel: Berlin aufräumen (Tidying up Berlin)

2 channel digital audio, 2011 (15’)


Daisuke Ishida: A Wave, The SINE WAVE ORCHESTRA

Artist talk


The Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Reader

An introduction by Julia H. Schröder and Volker Straebel


Mutually Informed: Confronting Theory and Praxis in Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Education

A panel discussion with Sabine Sanio, Volker Straebel, Martin Supper, and Jan Thoben, moderated by Julia H. Schröder


More information here:
