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SoundsAbout Presents: GENERATIONS – Ausstellung

Victor Yrigoyen

In Spring 2023, as part of CTM Vorspiel, SoundsAbout presents installations and performances revolving around the inquiry of machine and/or human at the project space Zwitschermaschine.

This series encompasses the plural meaning of the word “GENERATIONS”-- whether it be with a computer or through lineage and human relationships.

More infos at and



The Master of Arts Sound Studies and Sonic Arts program at the Berlin Career College of the Berlin University of the Arts is an advanced, part-time program in English that serves to deepen theoretical and practical competencies in the field of auditory art, culture, design and reception as well as their philosophical, historical, medial, technical, acoustic and psychoacoustic dependencies. Theoretical-scientific and artistic-design methods and those of artistic research are taught. The application phase for the international Master's program runs annually in February.

