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Veronika Heisig: Auf Holzwegen – Degree Bachelor/Master

Zwei ineinander verschlungene Körper auf schwarzem Hintergrund.
Veronika Heisig 2022

maC Final Work

A dance piece about leaving rehearsed paths and wandering around on wrong tracks.

Noise. Change. Flutter. Stumble. Stagger.

The three protagonists embark on a detour. They never take the direct path, take on the most diverse forms, fail at undeclared goals. They only stop at stops to wait - without knowing what.



Choreography: Veronika Heisig
Composition: Ádám Bajnok
Dance: Elisa de la Luz Irsara, Celia Morris, Manse
Stage, Costume: Mina Purešić
Light: Nicolás San Martín
Dramaturgy: Ariane Burghard

Funded by:
Deutscher Bühnenverein, Landesverband Berlin und Neustart Kultur
