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Satzung zur Verwirklichung der Chancengleichheit

source: Elena Buscaino

More gender justice at Berlin University of the Arts

On May 6th the "Satzung zur Verwirklichung der Chancengleichheit” was unanimously
adopted. With this the UdK Berlin has once again explicitly affirmed its commitment to
securing and promoting gender equality as well as to continuously reducing discriminatory
A series of measures will be implemented at the onset. Firstly, the addition of the options
"diverse" and “no information" on all forms, certificates, statistics, databases and in the
correspondence of the UdK Berlin. Secondly, the use of neutral forms of address and
wording as well as the gender*asterisk in all university correspondence, documents and on
all platforms of the university. Additionally, the recognition and integration of self-chosen
first names by using the „dgti-Ergänzungsausweis“ (dgti supplemental pass) recognised by
the Bundesministerium des Innern (BMI) and its consideration in application and
admission procedures and in all respects of study and graduation at the UdK Berlin.
Finally, the introduction of up to 50 percent gender-neutral toilets in all UdK buildings
(considering the respective local conditions).
The initiatives of the UdK Berlin against discrimination and for more gender justice are to
be accompanied by a blog from the AG Critical Diversity, in which all status groups and all
faculties work together. We will report on this more detailed in our in-house email in

July 9, 2020