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Statement of the UdK Berlin on Kirill Serebrennikow´s sentence

In view of the frequency of events around the world that shake the foundations of democratic principles such as the rule of law, the UdK Berlin takes a firm stand against any form of totalitarian and repressive action. 

The current threat of the Russian director Kirill Serebrennikov being sentenced is deeply disturbing. The accusation of having embezzled state funds of over one and a half million euros appears to be demonstrably out of thin air. The UdK Berlin therefore joins the demand of over 3,000 Russian cultural workers to the responsible Minister of Culture to drop the lawsuit against Serebrennikov.

Already at the time of his arrest in 2017, strong resistance was forming in the international cultural scene.  More than 50,000 people, including numerous well-known artists*, protested in a collection of signatures for his release: The petition is closed, the support of Kirill Serebrennikov for it more urgent than ever. Because it is urgent to stand firmly and resolutely against any strengthening of anti-democratic forces and structures."