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Andrey Smirnov

short vita

Andrey Smirnov is an interdisciplinary artist, curator, educator and researcher, based in Thessaloniki, Greece. He is the head of the Experimental Sound Laboratory (ESLab) and special scientific associate at Momus Museum of Modern Art, Costakis Collection in Thessaloniki. 

He is the founder of the Theremin Centre and has been a research fellow at the Center for Electroacoustic Music at Moscow State Conservatory as well as the lecturer and the Head of the Sound Laboratory at the Rodchenko Art – School in Moscow. 

He teaches courses on history and aesthetics of electroacoustic music, sound design and composition, new musical interfaces and physical computing. He has conducted numerous workshops and master classes in the U.S., Europe and Russia and participated in various festivals and conferences. His collection of the historical documents and electronic musical instruments has been combined with extensive research into the history of music technology with broad experience in composition, interactive performance and curatorial activities. 

Andrey Smirnov is the author of the monographs «Sound In Z: Experiments in Sound and Electronic Music in Early 20th Century Russia» (Walther Koenig & Sound and Music, London, 2013) and «In Search of Lost Sound. Experimental Sound Culture in Russia and USSR in the first half of the 20th century» (Moscow, GARAGE, 2020) (The Book of the Year Award, Innovation 2021).