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Summer School for Applied Autonomy

Summer School for Applied Autonomy

An Invitation to the opening of the Summer School for Applied Autonomy on the 21st July.The Summer school for Applied Autonomy is a research initiative interested in capturing the complexity of the technical know-how but also the mental state and the social skills one needs for self-sufficiency. Exploration of thematic fields such as self-reliance, open source knowledge, collaboration and self-reflection is at the very base of this project.The school welcomes everyone, but its capacity is small; it can support only two residents per rotation. Residents must engage for a stay of one or two weeks. After the end of each rotation and the beginning of the other, the two groups overlap for one day, so that the first group transfers their knowledge to the next one. The days are structured via tasks and lessons, while each person is free to propose his own topic of research.After the opening, residents will be living there and will be needing your support in forms of exchange for things or services they cannot produce. Please contact:     summerschoolautonomy_ Sincerely yours,Valentina Karga, Antonia Märzhäuser, Mascha Fehse, Julia Boström, Robert Eckstein,Veronika Homann, Lilli Unger, Petja Ivanova, Friederike Müller,Ivy Lee, Mischa Vogel


14.00-17.00 Bike tour + picnic

Emerging R-urban Landscapes in outer Berlin; Vegetables, cows and wilderness. With Lena Flamm. Bring your lunch-box!
(We meet in front of S-Bahn Marzahn)

17.00-18.00 Memory food game, homemade syrop and tea tasting
with Anja Fiedler. “Stadt macht satt” shows how city nature and auence tastes like.

18.00-18.30 Tour of the school
We will present the making of the School, give an inside about “how-to” become self-su-cient and tell stories about dependence, production and collectivity.

18.30-19.00 Moving-in Ceremony
Public briefing of the two first residents of the School.

19.00-20.00 Dinner
A salad bar will be offered by Dinner Exchange Berlin. Feel free to bring food for the BBQ and some drinks!

21.00 Party
with DJs MICKY und KATZE