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Judith Seng: “Sichtbar machen, zur Sprache kommen”

Judith Seng: “Sichtbar machen, zur Sprache kommen”

An artistic-scientific cooperation between professor Kirsten Winderlich and Judith Seng.

How would children construct their own places for reading and writing? How can we mount and realize these processes? The grund_schule der Künste deals with these questions within the context of the experimental setting “ACTING THINGS” which was developed by designer Judith Seng as part of her fellowship in the Graduate School at the BerlinUniversity of the Arts. On 18th November a research theater project took place with Judith Seng and 32 children from four Berlin-based schools. The students of the Charlie-Rivel-Grundschule, the Lemgo-Grundschule, the Hellmuth-James-von-Moltke-Grundschule and the Paula-Fürst-Gemeinschaftsschule had space and time for designing their own place for reading and writing. Students and teachers of grund_schule der Künste give advice and support to the research theater by means of visually qualified research methods to demonstrate the quality of headstrong education processes in the context of place, space and language.

Places, where children can engross the mind and pursue their very own thoughts, play a major role in childrens’ education. In the process of learning to read and write the environment created by the child assumes a high degree of importance. Thus, the grund_schule der Künste dedicates itself, also in the light of repeatedly postulated educational needs of Berlin students, to the topic “Own places for children”. For example the table can become such a place. Besides its function as pad, seat or arrangement system, it can provide an own place, which helps them to deal intensively with subjects and to read and write with pleasure and concentration.