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Opening Alex Martinis Roe

Opening Alex Martinis Roe

On the occasion of the show Alex Martinis Roe selected a series of books from both her personal library and the Milan Women’s Bookstore. The collection takes the form of an open access reference library at Archive Kabinett inviting users for individual or collective reading, serving as site for sharing resources and ways of thinking.


Opening Hours:

February 22 – March 22,

Wednesday to Saturday from 2pm – 6pm.




Dieffenbachstraße 31

10967 Berlin

Opening on Friday, 21 February (7 PM–10 PMat Archive Kabinett, Alex Martinis Roe will show her new film A story from Circolo della Rosa, and a sculpture in the Archive Kabinett front window, both of which continue her work on feminist genealogies. The film is narrated by the artist’s voice and is addressed to a close colleague in the form of a letter, telling a story about two women. The film weaves together fragments from her recent oral history research with members of 

blocked::">Libreria delle donne
 [Milan Women’s Bookstore Collective] and her experiences of their collective activities, as well as her exploration of related spaces, archives and texts.