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Project ‘Market for Immaterial Value’

Project ‘Market for Immaterial Value’

‘Market for Immaterial Value’ is an ongoing project by our alumna Valentina Karga and Pieterjan Grandry and has been developed during the Vilém Flusser Residency for artistic research 2015.

The project is an investigation on creating, validating and disseminating art in the era of immaterial economy. Art cannot be oblivious to its own conditions of creation and exchange. Valentina and Pieter, two young artists, are looking over a capitalist horizon and share their findings, reflections, ideas, personal utopias and fears of dystopias. What is the role of the artist in a financialized (art)world? They create spaces, online and offline, to research through discussions, which they consider to be collaborations.

If you wish to learn more about it, please visit the project’s website and subscribe to the newsletter for updates on the discussion. Information about the market experiment will also appear there this autumn.

Market For Immaterial Value

Vilém Flusser Residency