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Closing Event “Vorspeise, Hauptspeise, Nachspeise“

Our former fellow Juliane Laitzsch, Katrin von Lehmann and Eva-Maria Schön warmly invite you to join the closing event titled “Vorspeise, Hauptspeise, Nachspeise“ of the four years work-in-progress project in the Betriebsrestaurant at Max Planck Institute of Molecular Genetics Berlin.


6.15pm Reception Prof. Dr. Martin Vingron
6.20pm Was ist Suppe?
by Eva-Maria Schön and Sebastiaan Meijsing
6.40pm Talk
7pm Ursuppe – made by Stefan Tzschaksch, Chef

In order to plan the meal, please register until 17 November 2016 at mail_ or 016 34 54 67 46.

The language of the evening is German.

Thursday, 24 November 2016, 6pm

Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Genetik
Ihnestraße 63 – 73
14195 Berlin

Invitation (in German)