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Essay Performance "Dear Dead Dancer"

Our current fellow Kiran Kumar will present his performance “Archipelago Archives Exhibit #1: Dear Dead Dancer” as part of the SODA Works Festival at HZT that celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Master program Solo Dance Authorship.

“Dear Dead Dancer” is an essay-performance that takes the form of a reading of an open letter addressed to Kelucharan Mahapatra, the late Odissi guru and a pioneer of the dance’s reconstruction. The essay comprises auto-ethnographic notes as well as documentary video footage and live performance of song and dance. The work aims to thrown open some fundamental, critical questions on pedagogy, aesthetics and politics in dance drawn out of the artist's long-term artistic research project ‘Archipelago Archives’.

Tickets: 4€ single ticket, 20€ festival pass, available an hour before performance at box office in Studio 13 Uferstudios.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017, 8 pm

Uferstudios, Studio 11
Uferstraße 8
13357 Berlin

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