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Interdisciplinary art project “On Display”

Our alumno Yutaka Makino was selected to realise the interdisciplinary art project “On Display - An Artistic View on Computational Neuroscience” for the Bernstein Conference 2018 in Berlin.

In June 2017, the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience launched an open call inviting artists to approach cutting-edge research questions in computational neuroscience from an artistic perspective. The open call was headlined “On Display – An Artistic View on Computational Neuroscience / Auf dem (Bild)schirm: Computational Neuroscience im Blickwinkel der Kunst”; the final outcome will be shown to the general public free of charge at the Science and Society Session of the Bernstein Conference in Berlin from September 26-28, 2018.

In October, Yutaka Makino was selected by the international jury of renowned professionals in science and art. Makino is a Berlin-based Japanese artist with an extensive interdisciplinary artistic profile at the intersection of art, music, philosophy, architecture and not least science. Upon hearing from the jury’s decision, Makino commented, “I’m looking forward to this project and I’m delighted to be given the opportunity of working so closely with researchers from the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience.”

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