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Exhibition and Performance “Vremeplov I Time Machine”

Video still
source: Library Hamdija Kresevljakovic Video Arhiv Sarajevo

Our current fellow Clarissa Thieme will show her artwork “Vremeplov I Time Machine” at the Historical Museum Bosnia Herzegowina in Sarajevo. On the day of the opening she will additionally present a performance. 

On June 11 1993 a group of young Sarajevans imagined with a lot of black humor their escape from the war with the help of a time machine. The videotaped message was found by artist Clarissa Thieme who activates the time machine again.

25 years later Nihad Kresevljakovic one of the youngsters at that time will simultaneously translate the appeal from Sarajevo 1993 to Sarajevo 2018. Their call from the past "Get me out of this" addresses our present (again). How do we react?

Performance: 11 June 2018, 9  – 10 pm
Exhibition: 11 to 24 June 2018

Historical Museum Bosnia Herzegowina
Zmaja od Bosne 5 
Sarajevo 71000

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