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“Araf” at Slovenian Cinematheque

Jumping from a bridge in black and white

Still „Araf” by Didem Pekün

 source: Didem Pekün

Our fellow Didem Pekün presents her film “Araf” as an opening act of the 25th City of Women Festival in Ljubljana at the Slovenian Cinematheque as part of the international film programme. Followed by Valérie Massadian and her film “Nana”.

“Araf” (GR/TR/BA, 2018, 45′, Slovenian subtitles) 

Didem Pekün's work explores both artistic research and practice; conceptually it deals with the production of subjectivities within violent geographies and displacement. 

25th International Festival of Contemporary Arts - City of Women will focus on women story this year. Reaching a milestone, we find that the need to promote women in culture, emphasize the female perspective and defend women’s equality in every sphere is no smaller today than it was 25 years ago. This year, the festival therefore promotes #HerStory – women’s history. The history that was overlooked, forgotten, oppressed. We are not afraid of our visibility and we are not scared to write history from female perspective. Because if we wish to think an inclusive future, we must listen to #herstory: stories of women of all genders.

When? Where?
20 September 2019, 7pm: “Araf” by Didem Pekün
1 - 13 October 2019: Festival
Slovenian Cinematheque
Miklošičeva cesta 28, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Festival takes place in 18 different venues. 

more information

Furthermore, the film "Araf" is screened as part of the Bosnian program at Eastern Neigbours Film Festival 2019 at Fimhuis Den Haag, 6 -10 November. more information 

The film is screened in the framework of Chicago Festival of Bosnian-Herzegovinian Film at Northwestern University on 11 October. more information