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“Reading Bodies!” at HKW

Im Dunkeln beleuchtete Petrischale.
source: Spiess & Strecke

Klaus Spiess and our former fellow Lucie Strecker present the performative installation “Microbial Keywording”in the framework of “Reading Bodies! Cruising Corpoliteracy in Arts, Education and Everyday Life” at HKW Berlin.
The artist duo explores how language creates materiality. Based on a biochemical setup of experiments and with help from some volunteers from the audience they will demonstrate how language influences the oral flora and vice versa. The performative installation is followed by a talk with Regine Rapp from the Art Laboratory Berlin.

For “Reading Bodies!” contributors from the arts, education and mediation, science and everyday life examine the transformative potential of corpoliteracy, or body reading, for a pluralistic and inclusive society at HKW Berlin as part of Berlin Art Week. Performances give bodies a voice. Panels explore the diverse dimensions of the alphabet of the body. Workshops and interactive formats invite visitors to new bodily experiences.

When? Where?
14 + 15 September 2019
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin

more information on Reading Bodies

more information on Microbial Keywording