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Corps Célestes

Corps Célestes is premiering newly commissioned work by Gaëlle Choisne, Rindon Johnson and Jordan Loeppky-Kolesnik continuing their individual interests and approaches that are all deeply invested in exploring issues of identity, culture, and representation.

Through multiple forms of expression, ranging from language to object-based artworks made of materials such as leather, wood, stone, glass, or neon, to virtual reality, Rindon Johnson explores the effects of capitalism, racism, climate, and technology on our everyday lives and social conditions. 

In Corps Célestes, Johnson installs an online livestream from the Hemme Milch Uckermark dairy farm in Angermünde, 80 km close to Berlin. The work Peace Be Going, 2023, shows in real time the mechanically moving and zooming surveillance camera from the ceiling of the cowshed. The cows eat, snooze and brush themselves: interested humans can follow online how the cows in this local dairy farm (or elsewhere) spend their time around the clock. Peace Be Going, 2023, is reminiscent of Johnson's process based works with raw hide, an ongoing project since 2017, dealing with consumerism, capitalism, and animal rights.

When? Where?
11 March - 20 May 2023
Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Weydingerstraße 6
10178 Berlin

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