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On Queer Ground

The works on display reclaim a queer space within nature. Fields, coastlines and moorlands each offer space to explore elements of identity away from society’s gaze. In these solitary communions with vast terrains there also exists an inescapable suggestion of isolation and struggle. The artists focus on being within the landscape and pay close attention to feeling, movement and emotion, rather than aiming to reach summits, complete routes or navigate to landmarks. Through film, photography, sound, poetry, performance and collecting objects, they consider how our relationships with the natural world might be questioned, transformed and reconfigured.

Crip Ecologies (2022) archives RA Walden’s limited involvement with the natural world due to their disability. The glass bottles contain seed pods, berries, twigs, shells, dead insects and flowers suspended in preservative solution. The work considers the connections between the fragility of the body and the vulnerability of our ecosystems.

When? Where?
9 July - 4 September 2022
Bothy Gallery, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Wakefield WF4 4LG

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