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Anke Eckardt

SONIC SPACES - On Permeable Walls and Unstable Grounds

In her project ‘SONIC BEAM )))’ the sound/media artist Anke Eckardt explores a technology which makes it possible to focus sound on people.

Whether for the transmission of advertising messages, as a non-lethal military weapon or as sound showers in exhibition design, an analysis of the characteristics and the potential of different types of sonic beams exposes a number of auditory artifacts as well as a wide range of cultural meanings. The phenomenon is aesthetically exploited and revealed in Anke Eckardts multi-sensory sculptures and installations. She uses ultrasound and infrasound loudspeakers in combination with other materials such as moving light and vibrating springs for building large-scale works of a rich metaphoric radiance. The themes which serve as a starting point for Eckardt’s imaginary, immersive spaces are elemental and ubiquitous: an immaterial wall; an unstable ground. The supervisor of this project is Christina Kubisch.   

Anke Eckardt, sound and media artist. Born in Dresden (DE) in 1976. Lives and works in Berlin since 1994. Since 2008 her work encompasses sculptures, installations as well as a theoretical discourse on the topic of the phenomenology of sounds. Anke Eckardt presents her artistic and theoretical work internationally in exhibitions and at conferences.