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Dr. Stefanie Wuschitz

Research Fellow: July 2019 - September 2019

Short Vita

Stefanie Wuschitz works on Critical Media Practices (feminist hacking, open source development, peer production). She graduated with an MFA in Transmedia Arts in 2006. 2008 she completed her Masters at the New York University (Interactive Telecommunications Program) and became Digital Art Fellow at Umeå University in Sweden.

Stefanie Wuschitz founded the feminist hackerspace and collective Mz* Baltazar's Laboratory in Vienna in 2009, encouraging technology and art that is developed from a female perspective. In 2014 she finished her PhD on 'Feminist Hackerspaces. A Research on Feminist Space Collectives in Open Culture' at the Vienna University of Technology. Together with Lifepatch and Cindy Lin Kaiying she coordinated the NENEK PROJECT, an art-based research project in Indonesia. She held Post-Doc positions at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology and was 2015-18 part of the research group tech.culture.matters at Michigan University (Prof. Silvia Lindtner). She held a research fellowship at the Weizenbaum institute with focus on feminist critical making.