KÜNSTE DEKOLONISIEREN. Ästhetische Praktiken des Lernens und Verlernens Wintersemester 2017/18, Montags 18-20 Uhr Ringvorlesung des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs „Das Wissen der Künste“ in Kooperation mit dem Studium Generale "Künste dekolonisieren" - Last e
Das Graduiertenkolleg hat mit dem Forschungsprojekt „Knowing From the Inside” der University of Aberdeen, GB, 2015 und 2016 je einen Workshop in Aberdeen und in Berlin veranstaltet.
„Knowing From the Inside” is about the practices of inquiry in the human sciences and the forms of knowledge to which they give rise. Its fundamental premise is that knowledge grows from our practical and observational engagement with beings and things around us. Knowledge, we contend, comes from thinking with, from and through beings and things, not just about them. Our aim is to show how research underpinned by this premise could make a difference to the sustainability of environmental relations and to the well-being that depends on it.
The project is funded by a European Research Council Advanced Grant held by Professor Tim Ingold. It includes five sub-projects that explore the fields of landscape management, craft heritage, environmental conservation, building and restoration, and drawing and notation.