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Irina Raskin

Media-Ecologies of Sensing or When Machines Learn to Remember (working title)

“To sum up – will your thinking-, your representing-machines suffer? What will be their future if they are just memories?” (Lyotard 1991: 19)

Based on the thesis that the present epoch is characterized by a cybernetization of experience and a power acting in an environmental manner, the dissertation aims at an onto-epistemological study of how perception, feeling, thinking and remembering are prehended in the context of automated data computing processes.

On the one hand, multi-sensory, automated, networked data prehension and transmission processes have led to an immense increase in the number of methods for reproduction and manipulation of audio-visual artifacts. On the other hand, they also foster novel meaningful possibilities by changing the spatio-temporal and relational configurations of separable assemblages, and thus, modifying the ways in which shared realities are constituted. If this form of media technology has expanded the sensory-motor sensibility by strengthening the virtual plane through the event of recording, storing and transmitting information, what consequences does this have for the conception of memory? And how does it impact the development of learning capable software?

In the interdisciplinary research project, the following correlation, guided by interest, should provide orientation: By means of artistic works or productions moving in the border areas to art, current tendencies of automated data processing will be retraced, while examining the capacity of indeterminacy in particular. How or as what does indeterminacy appear in these contexts? To what extent does indeterminacy act as a circumstance making the transformation of "meaningless" data into specific information im/possible? How is cognitive and affective knowledge formed in the age of media technological environments?

Methodologically, the project attempts to treat artistic and theoretical artifacts as differential but equivalent articulations and intends to draw conclusions from the consideration of their interdependencies.


Lyotard, Jean-François: “Can Thought Go On Without A Body?”, in: The Inhuman. Reflections on Time,Cambridge 1991


Studies of Media and Cultural Studies (BA) and Media Culture Analysis (MA) at the Heinrich Heine University in Dusseldorf. Following her work as a writer and editor for radio and online journalism, Irina Raskin completed a research trainee position at the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf. Between 2015 and 2017, she contributed to various exhibition and publication projects as a curator, curatorial assistant, art mediator and author, working together with Kunstmuseum Krefeld and Museum Abteilberg Mönchengladbach.


Please note that these listings appear in the language they were originally published.

Rezension zu „Thomas Patrick Pringle, Gertrud Koch, Bernard Stiegler: Machine. \\\\ Martin Burckhardt: Philosophie der Maschine“ (mit Julia Preisker), [rezens.Tfm] 2019/2, 2019 [].

„Machine Learning and Technoecological Conditions of Sensing“, in: A Peer-Reviewed Journal About Machine Feeling 8/1, hg. von Christian Andersen, Geoff Cox, 2019 [].

„Longing and Belonging. Die Zugezogenen im Haus Lange“ (together with Magdalena Holzhey), in: Elmgreen & Dragset. Die Zugezogenen, ed. by Magdalena Holzhey, Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2017.

Various short texts and collaboration on catalogue raisonné, in Ludger Gerdes. From Anxiety To Volition,ed. by Sylvia Martin, Anette Hüsch, Vienna: Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2016.

„Breakthrough“, in: Show & Tell. Prints And Drawings From The Kunstmuseen Krefeld, ed. by Magdalena Holzhey, Cologne: Wieland Verlag, 2015.

„Virtual Vitality“, in: Ian Cheng. Live Simulations, ed. by Elodie Evers, Irina Raskin, Gregor Jansen, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Leipzig: Spector Books, 2015.



„Generatives Sinnen im Kontext Maschinellen Lernens“, Panel „Zwischen Medialität und Materialität – künstlerische Verfahren und ihre Dispositive“Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft Medien – Materialitäten, Universität zu Köln, 27.09.2019.

„Wie Algorithmen Distinktionen mitschneiden“, Interdisziplinäre Doktorand*innen-Tagung DIS(S)-CONNECT Wie Medien uns trennen und verbinden, Institut für Film,-Theater-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft (FTMK) der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 27.04.2019.

„Maschinisches Gefüge Denken“, Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe Medienphilosophie Zur Kritik algorithmischer Rationalität, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, 02.05.2019.

„Media-Ecologies of Un/Making Sense“, Workshop und Panel Machine Feeling, transmediale und Aarhus University in Kooperation mit Cambridge University, 14.01.2019 und 01.02.2019.

"Speicherlecks", Institut für Betrachtung, a-Musik, Cologne, 04.08.2018.

"wanna cry. Ein Vortrag über Gedächtnis- und Affektkontrolle“, Speicher, Dusseldorf, 17.06.2017.

"Eine kleine Einführung in REWORK: Ausstellung“, Exhibition opening by Billinger & Schulz, Forum Freies Theater, Dusseldorf, 07.10.2016.

"Oaklandazulasylum: Auf Sinnsuche mit WHY?“, Conference by the research project "Resonanzräume“, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Salon des Amateurs, Dusseldorf, 29.06.2012.