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Jens Meinrenken

Dissertation Project

Dynamic Sequences: Comics, Storyboards, and Film
Storyboards can be understood as a central category of knowledge in the design process of modern media and as constituting an important foundation for the design of films, comics, advertising clips, or computer games. They not only adapt and vary an implicit knowledge about the visual representation of stories, actions, and movements but have themselves also become a modern form of expression that is widely used as a medium for artistic drawing and animation. Starting from the thesis that storyboards, as a sequential form of art that has existed since the beginning of film, occupy a significant role in the multifarious communication between the genres of comics and film, the dissertation will focus on investigating the dynamic relationship between these three media. Comics, storyboards, and films together create complex knowledge about processes of design, seriality, and (re)production that has a lasting impact on our culture. The dissertation aims to present the artistic forms and medial superimpositions of this knowledge as part of an art history whose mobility and energy are founded above all in the innovative use of different image technologies. A knowledge in the arts becomes manifest here as a visual phenomenon of border-crossing and morphology in which the play of stasis and movement becomes the central motor of representation.    

Please note that these listings appear in the language they were originally published.



Jens Meinrenken studied art history, philosophy, and German studies in Bamberg and Berlin; he has written, among other things, various essays on the topics of comics, computer games, and animation.


„Bullet Time & Co. Steuerungsutopien von Computerspielen und Filmen als raumzeitliche Fiktion“, in: Rainer Leschke / Jochen Venus (Hg.): Spielformen im Spielfilm. Zur Medienmorphologie des Kinos nach der Postmoderne, Bielefeld/ Siegen 2007, S. 239-270.

„Figurenkonzepte im Comic“, in: Rainer Leschke / Henriette Heidbrink (Hg.): Formen der Figur. Figurenkonzepte in Künsten und Medien, Konstanz 2010, S. 229-246.

„Bilder im Plural. Kunst im Singular. Über „Zwischen Film und Kunst“ in der Deutschen Kinemathek Berlin“, in: Texte zur Kunst, Jg. 22. H. 84, Dezember 2011.

„Szenographien des Wissens: Über kreative und poietische Prozesse“, (zusammen mit Da Costa e Silva, Tiago), in:, Onlinepublikation des Graduiertenkollegs „Das Wissen der Künste“, Nr. 2 „Opake Evidenzen“, Juni 2014, URL:


From Berlin to India. Artistic Self-Portraits and Cultural Contemplations in German Comics im Rahmen des internationalen Kolloquiums "Le statut culturel de la bande dessinée : ambiguïtés et évolutions - The Cultural Standing of Comics : Ambiguities and Changes"
Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve 02/05/13 - 03/05/13

Echoformen des Irrealen und Medialen im Rahmen des Workshops "Game Studies. Portale" des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs „Locating Media“ der Universität Siegen, 6. Juni 2013

Holocaust im Comic. Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme im Rahmen der Tagung „Sketching the Past – Vermittlung von Gewaltgeschichte im Comic“ an der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) | 26.-28.09.2013