For more detailed information, please change to the German version of this website.

Groups & counseling offered at other institutions

The Studierenden Werk Berlin offeres groups in other languages than German, e.g. Spanish

studierendenWERK BERLIN - Gruppenangebote PBS (


You can search for self-help groups in other languages than German here

SEKIS - Selbsthilfe Kontakt und Informationsstelle Wir informieren über Selbsthilfe in Berlin: Sekis (


LARA - Rape Crisis and Counselling Centre - offers unbureaucratic assistance for women, girls and transgender people, who have been raped, sexually abused and/or sexually harassed. - also in other languages


The emergency service for those at risk of addiction and those already addicted to drugs and alcohol in Berlin.


The Freie Universität Berlin (FU) offers workshops (some in English) primarily for FU students.

But if you are interested, it is worth asking.